Coronavirus affects all sports events. More and more are being postponed or canceled all over the world, and athletes often compete before empty stands. And all of this is happening just a few months before the start of the Olympic Games in Japan and EURO 2020.

In Italy, all sports events were suspended until April 3 so far. This week’s main tennis events were also canceled due to Coronavirus fears.

How you should deal with this situation as a trader when there are little or no events on the market?

First of all, you need to accept this fact in the same way as you accept your losses. It is part of this business to expect the unexpected. When you look at the data and news it seems, that Coronavirus is not yet under control, and more people will be infected.

The sports exchange is and will be as long as people want to bet, so you do not need to worry about it. If we can save lives by postponing all sports events by let’s say for one year it is worth it! It is better to be healthy without money than dead.

As a trader, you have to be patient! Do not force yourself to find any events (if there are any) to bet.

Focus on the learning process, read trading books, improve your mindset, subscribe to my newsletter and find out how to survive on sports exchange.

I believe that soon we will overcome the virus, just like you will succeed in trading!

Stay calm, and I will CU Green again!

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