German Bundesliga as the first of the leading leagues in Europe resumed their games in the age of the coronavirus pandemic.

In Bundesliga, matches are played under many conditions. First of all, in empty stands, and players must take special precautions. They are prohibited from spitting, running into the field together, greeting by a handshake, or hugging after scoring a goal. In such cases, they may only touch their elbows or shoes. The substitutes will have to wear masks.

As I mentioned before the restart of competition you need to watch the motivations and the form of players more closely. According to statisticians, a two-month break in the competition negatively affected the form of players. The number of kilometers runs lower than the average from the season, fewer sprints, the number of shots less than before. However, this did not significantly affect the result of the derby, in which Borussia Dortmund demolished Schalke. In other matches, an unexpected draw in Leipzig.

For me it was a slow start, however, I have managed to exit my only one Saturday`s trade with green, which is always a positive thing.

Usually, Sunday is my family day, so I will not have time for trading unless we have very late games.
I do not bet, however on Sunday matches you should have your eyes open on Lewandowski, who probably will score 2 or more goals for Bayern.

CU Green!

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