First of all, I hope you are fine. It is a hard time for everyone in the world, especially for those who are not feeling well. COVID19 pandemic will end eventually, for now, the only thing we can do is to stay at home and slow its spreading. Many thanks to the medical services who fight for our health every day and for scientists who conduct research to defeat this virus!

Lockdown that happened in most of the countries forces us to change our daily habits. How to stay proactive in the new situation?

Instead of watching Amazon Prime or Netflix continuously and wasting the day away, do your best to do something useful. There is a lot of online courses that make you engaged, but what if you feel fed up already with whole online activities?

The simple answer is to go back to school and read books, that will have a positive impact on your life and possible future investments.  There is a lot of trading books, that every trader should read in his life in order to improve his mindset, knowledge and to find his edge. Writing this post, I wanted to give you a few titles that might interest you. I decided, however, that I would only provide the one that had the most impact on my trading.

The book is called “The Universal Principles of Successful Trading: Essential Knowledge for All Traders in All Markets”  by Brent Penfold.

A few years ago I have bought and read his book that changed my perception of trading. Brent trades global futures contracts on indexes, currencies, and commodities and also help educate others to trade. More about him you can find at

You may ask: what does this have to do with sports trading?

The title of the book explains everything, these are universal principles.

The book is full of lots of trading wisdom for both new and experienced traders. It explains the fundamental rules of successful trading. There is statistical ground that supports the mathematical nature of the investment. Regardless of the methodology used it shows you the statistics that maximize your profits and minimize your loss. It also included interviews with a range of successful traders at the end of his book.

If you treat trading seriously I highly recommend reading his book in order to get rid of the illusions about what is crucial in investing. It is important how often you earn, how much you earn and how much you lose. It is important how much you risk and how quickly you can go bankrupt this way.

The book is available on amazon under this link.

“Risk of ruin calculator” was added to his book as a bonus.  If you like to know how I get most of his book and implement it in my trading approach, just please subscribe to my newsletter and I will reveal my secret:

Stay healthy and stay at home!

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